Seeking Reader Help in Finding New Site Contributor(s) to Fill Lambert’s Yellow Waders

As you will see from a companion post, we are saddened to announce that Lambert is retiring, but he has exciting projects beckoning. He has given us a very generous notice but we want to respect his departure plans and thus must get cracking on finding some new voices. Even though Conor has graciously offered to take up most of Lambert’s open slots, and I could take on more too, it would be a tough lift on an ongoing basis. Plus the site will benefit from having some fresh perspectives and interests.
The conundrum we face is that Links has become Naked Capitalism’s flagship. Many of you say at fundraiser time that you wake up in the morning with Links. But it does take more “production” than a regular post. That plus having to become an informational whale filtering the ocean for krill is also not necessarily for everyone.
Note we could divide the work between contributors who do only Links and ones who do only commentary. But there are benefits to keeping the broad view that Links requires, both in terms of deeper mining of important stories and finding connections between seemingly remote ones.
So we hope you can help us find talented, energetic, and tough-minded candidates.
As much as we’d like a contributor to have a long and happy tenure here, past site writers have used Naked Capitalism as a stepping-stone to even bigger and better things. Our scammer-buster Richard Smith went on to more systematic tracking of international con artists, which included among other things occasional pieces as Herald Scotland (he could have taken a higher profile but chose instead to work mainly with other investigators). Philip Pilkington is now happily ensconced at the storied asset manager GMO. Nathan Tankus is now a recognized economics commentator, both on Substack and Twitter.
Having said that, old graybeards (yours truly must confess to being long in tooth) are welcome too!
We anticipate that a new contributor will have written often on a professional basis, say as journalist, commentator, analyst, or even an old-school blogger, would like a regular part-time gig and/or would also like exposure to Naked Capitalism’s engaged readership. Being unphased by deadlines is important. Being willing to have a point of view is also critical.
Lambert has prepared a detailed production guide, and Naked Capitalism isn’t big on fussy formatting. So while there is a learning curve for how we do things, it isn’t very steep.
If you have someone to recommend, please write Yves at yves-at-nakedcapitalism-dot-com and put “Site Writer” in the subject line. Thanks!
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