SwipeZone Sports is a Groundbreaking App Bridging Aspiring Athletes to College Sports Opportunities

This revolutionary app cuts out the middleman entirely, allowing you to create a profile that coaches can directly browse to find you. It’s a simple process of creating a profile, uploading your proudest moments, and then waiting for a coach to snap you up.
You can be proactive, and seek out schools that you’re interested in. You simply swipe right to showcase your interest and the schools can then check out your profile and match with you if you fit the criteria you’re looking for.
Here’s the pitch for the sports coaches: there’s an in-depth filtering process that lets you select your sport, position, stats, GPA, and more to quickly find your dream athletes.
SwipeZone Sports supports a wide range of college sports, including football, basketball, baseball, soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, softball, and track, among others.
If it’s a college sport, you can likely filter for it and find the athlete you’re looking for on SwipeZone Sports!
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