Bandle Provides a Fun Take on Guess That Tune

If you can guess after just hearing the rhythm, you can then add the bass and other instruments like guitar and piano to help.
At the top of the page, to provide a bit of help is the year the song was originally released and the number of YouTube views. It will also show how difficult it is. After adding all of the instruments, and even the voice cover, you can then see a clue.
Once you guess the song, you can see the music video and then see how many guesses it took other around the world.
And that’s far from all of the fun. You can try to then complete the songs lyrics, answer questions about the songs, guess the song from the same year, guess the name of the album, and more. It’s perfect for friends and family to play.
You can come back daily and enjoy a new song. There are also more than 450 songs in the catalog that you can enjoy.
The game has something for all music fans. Along with some of the latests songs, there are hits from the 70s all the way to the 2010s. It also spans different genres, everything from country to easy listening and movie themes.
Bandle is a free download now on the App Store for the iPhone and iPad. There are in-app purchases available to unlock different song packs.
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