Have a Restful Weekend. | Cup of Jo



What are you up to this weekend? I have a cold and completely lost my voice! Any recommendations for how to get it back? I need to be able to yell at my children haha. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…

Have you heard of the interior design trick of unexpected pops of red? Into it.

Excited to re-watch this movie.

Great news: Our favorite shoe brand is offering up to 70% off, plus 20% off sitewide for Cup of Jo readers with code EXTRA20. I love wearing these perfect everyday boots (only $79 for CoJ readers) with dresses, jeans, skirts, everything.

Snickerdoodle shortbread.

Eric Kim’s midnight spaghetti habit. “I didn’t know how much I would rely on midnight for both my cravings and my work. As the man goes to bed, I stay up to write: I had heard from friends that this was how they got their ‘alone time,’ by staggering the hours, a necessary cushion from the joys of coupled life. It doesn’t hurt that I get my best writing done after-hours…And if there’s one dish that encompasses these precious hours of recuperative solitude, it has to be midnight spaghetti.” (NYTimes gift link)

Into these fun earrings.

Jenny’s new cookbook!

My mother got on a bike. It changed her life. “When my mother was 62, she dusted off a clunky Cannondale with Mary Poppins handles and joined a bicycling group. She was recovering from heartbreak and had just moved to a new town. She had no background as an outdoor activity enthusiast: She did not camp or hike, had never, say, paddled a kayak. But the bike group was made up of 60-, 70- and 80-year-olds. How hard could it be to tag along?” (NYTimes gift link)

The fledgling movement to rewild golf courses. How beautiful is that photo?

What a fun sweater/skirt vibe, via Ali.

This food drawing would look pretty in a kitchen.


And today’s juicy Big Salad is the Heartbreak Issue — featuring English author Dolly Alderton on the best way to help a heartbroken friend, her hilarious new book, and three breakup haircuts. I love this issue! Read everything here, if you’d like (paywalled).

Plus, three reader comments:

Says Erin on the funniest, simplest game: “We made up a game for car trips that we call ‘generics.’ You think of a book, song or movie title, pretend it’s a brand name, and then think of the equivalent generic name, which you tell everyone. They have to guess the original title. So, if the clue is ‘Tiny Ladies,’ the answer is ‘Little Women.’ Or ‘Existing on a devotion’ is ‘Livin’ on a Prayer.’ It can get quite hilarious.”

Says Maura on the funniest, simplest game: “Teenage friends taught my son and me a fun game when we went camping. They couldn’t remember the name of the game, so we creatively call it ‘that game we played around the campfire that was so funny.’ One person is the guesser and closes their eyes. Everyone else picks a number between 1 and 10 by holding up fingers. Then the guesser goes around the group and gives each person a different category, and the person has to answer with an example from the category that represents how they would rank that thing from 1-10. So, if we picked 1, and the category was fruit, my answer would be banana, because I HATE bananas. After gathering all the information from each person, the guesser has to guess the number. It’s extra fun when you know the other players well.”

Says Lauren O on the funniest, simplest game: “This is funny-play-related and not dinner-game-related, but I feel strongly and must share: Joanna, go see TEETH! I was at the preview last night and thought I knew what I was in for – I’d seen the horror-comedy it’s based on – but man, I was not expecting to cry at a musical about vagina dentata. It was the release I needed in this excruciating season of shame and assaults on bodily autonomy (*and* funny as hell). NYC, you heard it here.”

(Photo by J. Anthony/Stocksy.)

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