14 Recipes Our Editors Are Cooking in February, Because We’re All Just Trying to Make It to March

Serious Eats / Amanda Suarez
“Derek Lucci, our amazing contributor of Thai recipes, has given me a whole new perspective on drunken noodles. Firstly, his version is much more distinct from the pad see ew–esque renditions many US restaurants dole out. And secondly, you barely even need the noodles—and that’s not a bad thing. What this dish is really all about are those screaming flavors that smack, drop-kick, and noogie your tongue all at once. It’s intensely spicy with layered chile heat, loudly aromatic with literal mouthfuls of lime leaf, and suffused with the herbal potency of basil (preferably holy basil, but Thai basil works in a pinch, even if the flavor is different). This is the kind of thing I’d run out my door to grab the requisite ingredients, then flash up in a wok for a filling snack whenever the mood strikes or my sinuses need clearing or I just want every last one of my sensory neurons lit up to remind me that I’m still alive and kicking despite this cold, dark month.” —Daniel Gritzer, editorial director
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